Parkside InvestorPlus Articles



Superannuation – Retirement Phase Vs Accumulation Phase

Superannuation has always been a long-term investment designed to carry you through into two key phases of your retirement life. First, there’s the accumulation phase then followed by a retirement phase; however, these aren’t mutually exclusive phases, i.e. it’s not about one or the other. You can have some of your super in a...

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The High Costs of Retirement in 2023

If you are still employed and earning a regular salary, you will have noticed that your earned dollar does not stretch as far. Given the combination of higher interest rates (assuming you have a mortgage) and general increase in living expenses, particularly utilities, fuel, insurances and other necessary services, there might not be as much le...

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Setting yourself up for retirement in the early years of life

As you navigate the early years of working life, you may not give any thought or attention to your retirement phase of life. Afterall, there are so many other priorities such as progressing in your career/job, buying a house, starting a family, attending events involving your kids, planning overseas trips and the like. However, if you spend som...

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Retirement Happiness

Many of us who look forward to retirement think of bliss and happiness, however, the truth is that once we enter retirement phase, reality and expectation are most likely out of phase. So, why is this? First, most retirees fail to plan their retirement, this includes goals, expectations, and desired outcomes. The notion of not working anymore...

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Can you afford to retire, 2023?

Australians are now living longer, the most recent data shows that a male’s life expectancy is 82 years and a female’s is 85.6 years. Entering retirement phase has traditionally been a time when you ‘hang up the boots’, when you now turn your attention to all those things that you’ve neglected during your working l...

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